Thursday, November 29, 2012

Little red ridding hood

Dos ilustraciones hechas para una exposición sobre caperucita roja que se llevara a cabo en la ciudad de Saronno en Italia en el mes de diciembre, la primera fue hecha con ecoline sobre papel y la segunda fue hecha con acuarela.
Due illustrazioni fatte per una mostra di cappuccetto rosso che si fara alla citta di Saronno nel messe di Dicembre, la prima illustrazione è stata fatta con l'ecoline e la seconda con acquarelli. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I can see no more clouds within my mind, there's no doubt, there's no fear.  I close my eyes and begin walking in your direction and as I see the doors that start closing and shot themselves behind me I start runing to try to catch up to you.  After a while the doors start closing and I can clearly see your face as you say no, and your figure starts going farther and farther away, but I can still hear your voice, and feel your warmth.

Clouds set on my mind once again, I've lost my road but I continue walking cause I know that further ahead lies my destiny.  As I continue ahead I start looking back and suddenly all the mist that clouded my vision strats to clear.  Some of the things I wasn't able to understang in the past now seems to make sense to me, and one thing catches my eye... I see you building walls around you and telling me to keep away, and while the past me saw this as an attempt to keep me away, the me that see you now see how you are inside, scared, and confused, hiding away, not only from me but from yourself.  We fear that which we don't understand, and fear you do the way I make you feel.

And wait I will for the moment in which you no longer have to hide, and we may finally become one.

Friday, November 16, 2012

watercolor test

couldn't sleep so I decided to test a new technic to see if I could pull it out, I'm strating to grasp the gist of it 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

work in progress

Little red riding hood
Cappuccetto rosso
Caperucita roja

Tecnica: Acquarelli

a small group of people illustrated logo

logo illustrato per richiesta del cliente
logo ilustrado por pedido del cliente
illustrated logo as per client request

Monday, November 5, 2012

logo a small group of people

Primer logo para "a small group of people", sociedad noruega ubicada en la ciudad de Oslo.
First logo for "a small group of people", norweian society from the city of Oslo.
Primo logo per "a small group of people", società norvegese della città di Oslo.